Notice To Customers
On February 23, 2018, the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) opened individual dockets for each of the Florida utilities to consider the tax impacts associated with the federal Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) on utilities and decide how to address those impacts in the best interests of the utilities and their customers.
Florida Public Utilities Company’s (FPUC) electric division filed information regarding the calculation of the impact of the TCJA and requested, among other things, that the resulting tax benefits be applied towards existing, unrecovered fuel and storm reserve balances, which would otherwise be charged to customers. Subsequently, FPUC and the Office of Public Counsel filed a Settlement Agreement with the FPSC on October 17, 2018. The FPSC approved this agreement on December 11, 2018. As a result of the approved settlement, customers received an annual base rate decrease of $638,158 beginning January 1, 2019. The terms of the settlement also include an agreement by FPUC to further reduce base rates by $288,230 effective January 1, 2021. The approved final rates for this reduction are attached to this Notice and will be reflected on bills beginning with the January 2021 bill for service.
Click here to view the chart that provides a comparison of the current and new rates.
Further information can be obtained from the Commission’s website at the following link: http://www.psc.state.fl.us/ClerkOffice/DocketFiling?docket=20190156 or by contacting Florida Public Utilities Company, Monday through Friday at
(800) 427-7712 (7:00a.m.-7:00p.m.)
Ways To Keep Bills Low
While our new rate reduction will positively affect your energy costs, there’s no such thing as too much savings. Looking for ways to keep your energy bills as low as possible? These three resources are a great start!
Take Advantage Of Energy Conservation Rebates
Making energy-efficient upgrades at your home or business is one of the best ways to reduce long-term energy costs, but new equipment requires an initial investment. On the bright side, however, FPU offers rebates on a nice range of energy-efficient upgrades, helping you save in the beginning, as well as the long run. View Conservation Rebates
Schedule A Free Energy Check-Up
A Free Energy Check-Up is a fast, easy way to find sources of energy waste in your home, and can help you save immediately. We also offer Free Online Energy Evaluations, which are available to both homes and businesses.Schedule a Free Energy Check-Up
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